Archive | June, 2019

Campamento Day 4

24 Jun

Woman of Faith is Mother Lange. The theme is “Teach Others”

Mary Lange lived a rich life teaching children of freed slaves. She also started the first Catholoc Order for African American women. You can read more about her at

We were going to make vision boards today, but a slight change to our first day led to not enough magazines. I brought some down, packing to buy more at the supermarket by El Carmelo, the Sisters’ home in Santo Domingo. But we went to Azua from the airport without stopping.

So we decorated the boxes that a friend donated. She saw her company was throwing these away. She knew about this Ministry. She thought the girls would like them. She was right! Please keep us in mind all year long 🙂

Ready for church, wearing a new dress and a matching purse – the “poor widow” craft.

Sister Fifi made two travel groups, because the guagua (minivan) can only hold half of us. So we go to the beach, pool, and church in two groups. This is group one at the park in front of the parish.

Campamento Day 3

24 Jun

The Poor Widow Mark 12:41-44 and “Trust in God” Matthew 6:24-34

“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring trouble of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today. ”

The t-shirts are coming along. They look so good! It’s not as messy as tie-dying and ther kids can do most of it themselves.

New decorations at the home

The girls made signs like ths for the 25th anniversary of the Hogar (home)

Jesus is my friend


The littlest girls (las peceñas) eat at a peceña (small) table

Her first year and can really jump. Is been fun seeing her relax and reveal her personality

Campamento Day 2

21 Jun

“In preparing for campamento <well, he said “battle”> I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”

Today fit this description, and it all worked out. we started with a trip to the beach. To past travelers – it was cleaner! And one of the Sisters really swims! She knew about a sand bar out a little and it was nice. The kids are very well behaved.

When we got back, we started on our craft (yes, its backward,we thought it was the best way to get everything done). A group of Collegio San Jose alum (the high school the Sisters run) came. They toured the Hogar, we ate, and gathered where two women from the group sang, the girls sang, then, by request, Desiree sang “Sometimes I fell like a motherless child.” Just beautiful!

The craft was sharpie tie dye shirts. Pictures to follow. It’ll take about three days. Most of the girls were into it. Those who weren’t todaywill be tomorrow when they see the others. It’s a three day process.

The Wedding at Cana was the story of the day. A theologian friend told me one reason this might have been the first miracle is that it describes the difference between life with Jesus and without; with water. You can live. With wine, with the holy spirit, life is more rich and full.

Negotiation with the oldest girls is going well. We’re using the “Girls Arise” program based on “Getting to Yes” that we used three years ago. The girls are engaged. We are reviewing a role-play in this pic.

Sister Fifi creatively keeps the kids engaged and feeling part of the home. The girls made these signs hanging around the property.

We ended the night with a 1:45 hour Corpus Christi mass. We were all tired and hot, but its was fun to see a new chapel.

Campamento Day 1

20 Jun

The trip to Azua yesterday was uneventful. The only difference is we didn’t stop at El Carmelo; we went straight to the home. The girls have been there since school ended last week. They were so excited to see us and greeted the new and old travelers like family. Betania and Katy made the towels into flowers, boats, and hearts “like at a hotel”. Pretty cute!

Today the woman of faith was Eve. She was given a choice and made a bad one. We’ve all made bad choices or decisions, but we are forgiven through Jesus. The kids were really well-behaved; we’re guessing they are still in “school mode”. But, one 10 year old just joined on Saturday and she jumped right in! The craft was a cute snake (photo coming). The smallest group (peceñas) performed the drama. They were terrific. They even narrated themselves!

After camp we went to a pool at a hotel. We all cooled off and the girls entertained themselves all afternoon.

A great first day!!