Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

People have asked me why I, a mom of two active boys, spend one beautiful Minnesota July week per year away on a mission trip. Our group stays with girls and Carmelite Sisters in the poorest region of the Dominican Republic, a very poor country. The girls and Sisters only speak Spanish (I studied French, but I’m learning more Spanish all the time). We do not visit the world famous resorts or pristine beaches. We live with the girls, eat with the girls, attend Mass, swim at the local beach, take a cultural excursion, visit families, and share a lot of good times at a summer camp. I’d like to invite women and girls ages 15 and up to join us this year July 4-12 or July 11-19.

Why Travel?

“This is important: get to know people, listen, expand the circle of ideas. The world is crisscrossed by roads that come closer together and move apart, but the important thing is that they lead towards the Good.” Pope Francis

When you travel, you enjoy unique experiences. Breaking from your daily routine helps you gain a new perspective, maybe even a more hopeful one. You make surprising new connections with locals and fellow travelers. Plus, travel is fun!

Why a Mission Trip?

“Find new ways to spread the word of God to every corner of the world.” Pope Francis


When you join a mission trip, you will connect with people in a deep and fulfilling way – at a spiritual level. You will find commonality with people who are poor for no other reason than where they were born. You will admire people who work for justice in their countries. You will bond with fellow travelers who are experiencing new sights, sounds, smells, and emotions. You will return energized and with a new perspective on your own life.

As Catholics, you experience the global Church in an intimate and profound way. On our trip, you get to attend Mass in Spanish, where you will find familiar and new traditions. The parish we attend is over 500 years old!

Why Teresa Toda Camp?

“Wherever there are dreams, there is joy, Jesus is always present.” Pope Francis


Joenni “Then and Now” – She graduated from High School!

The Teresa Toda Home is a joyful place of dreams. Carmelite Sisters started the home to help girls learn values and skills so they can realize their dreams. At camp, you help this successful program by providing the girls with values and companionship that can’t come from financial donations alone.

As a Sister Parish, when you come to camp, you’ll be welcomed like family. We’ve been having wonderful times at camp for over 18 years. The Sisters have told us that the girls talk about camp all year long. The driver told us that among all the groups who come visit the girls, they only cry when we leave. It is truly a touching experience for the girls, the Sisters, and the travelers.

Why me?

“Once we come to realize how much God has given us, a life of self-sacrifice, of working for him and for others, becomes a privileged way of responding to his great love.” Pope Francis


If you are ready to respond to God’s gifts to you with love, you can make camp happen. Camp is 100% volunteer run, supported by the Church of Saint Edward in financial and other ways. No matter your talents and skills, you will make a difference. Most travelers report that they get more out of this trip than they give.

Yes, international travel is a hassle. Yes, you’re leaving beautiful summer weather for the hotter Caribbean sun. Yes, it’s a unique, unforgettable experience. Find out why almost 100 travelers have made this sacrifice to join camp and are glad they did.

Why Now?

Image result for regret quotes

Join this mission trip while you can for your own reasons. Do you want to follow the lead set by Pope Frances? Do you want to help the world? Do you want to have a mind-expanding experience – one you’d never find on a tour or at a 5 star resort? Do you want an opportunity to use your gifts to help others? Do you want to meet people who live with a low carbon footprint? What ever your reasons – what better way than to join our long and rich relationship?

Bonus Why – Best Kept Secret

Best Kept Secret

To learn more, join our kickoff meeting or visit more of his blog site ( http://campamento.blog )contact me though this blog.

Some 2018 Kids and Travelers