Negotiation: Retreat Idea

12 Oct

Last year we launched a special program, a “retreat”, for the older girls ages 12-18. The theme was intentional living. Each day had a different focus: Vision, Plan, Act, Overcome Obstacles. We had some explanation and exercises for each day. This was paired with visits to local employers.


Girls meeting with a dental hygienist from Azua who overcame a major obstacle – jaw cancer. So inspirational.

What if we had two weeks of camp? Doesn’t negotiation training sound like a great idea? I’m going to attempt a negotiation myself by contacting the professor, to find out if we can use their 5 day curriculum. Wish me luck!!

15 year old girls learn how to negotiate the Harvard way

Let’s watch this #15girls hashtag which so far is addressing issues our older girls are facing.

Please continue to share this blog, especially with potential travelers!



Update: The professor who developed this program, even while on sabbatical, responded! Her name is Professor Kathleen McGinn and Google her for some interesting studies. She said we can use the curriculum.

Latest Update: I got the link to the curriculum. It is excellent, very well laid out. I think the pace will be about right, too, for our girls. The next step is to look at the situations that were used as examples and exercises for the Zambian girls, and work to get situations that might be more like those our girls face. Then, I’d like some translation help. It’s going to be quite a lot of work I think. Whoever is interested in helping on this, they are going to benefit from really understanding the material in this course, which I think would help anyone. It’s based on the famous book “Win-Win” negotiations.

Another Update: One amiga has offered to translate. Meghan is doing it as project her Nursing/Spanish double major. She’ll have access college level Spanish professors. It fits the bill as a leadership/social justice volunteer project. She will do this project this semester and deliver it in July! We will submit the Spanish version back to Girls Arise! so it can be used with other Spanish speaker girls. Professor McGinn, who is learning Spanish, is very supportive and interested in seeing the progress.

2 Responses to “Negotiation: Retreat Idea”

  1. Susan Kellett October 13, 2015 at 3:27 am #

    Hi Ann.. I was unable to get this link to work. Am I the only one? I really wanted to read it…

    Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 20:03:20 +0000 To:

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